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To always be an excellent competitor you need to know how to adapt to every situation, I can help you not to make mistakes for your new "life" or just for an "upgrade".


Thanks to the "food delivery gourmet" method, the step will be simple:


Study of the guidelines to organize meal deliveries, creation of ad hoc menus, optimizing the raw materials selected for the creation of ready-to-go dishes.


Realization of new production processes for dishes stored and ready for delivery, considering the current laws of the Ministry of Health on the Covid emergency - 19.


Identification of eco-sustainable packaging, but which give personality to your restaurant.


Receipt sheets with the relative food cost of each reference.


Training of kitchen staff on the new guidelines of the Delivery service. Identification of competitors.


Test of the new gourmet food delivery format.


Support during the startup.


Periodic checks on the flow trend.


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